Title: The Night Before Thanksgiving
Author: M. Durango
Cover artist: Unknown
Publisher: Torquere Press
Amazon buy link: The Night Before Thanksgiving
Genre: Contemporary m/m romance
Length: 19 pages
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Guest review by Orion
Review summary: A short, sweet story that leaves you wanting more.
Bailey occasionally fills in as a substitute bartender at his friend’s airport bar as a favor. He strikes up a conversation with Curt, a professor on his way to a family Thanksgiving in Chicago. They hit it off, and make plans to meet up after the holiday, but when the flight is delayed and then canceled, Bailey jumps at the chance to move up the timetable. He invites Curt back to his place for a drink and more, but he has the feeling this is more than a one-night stand. Will Curt feel the same?
Life happens, as the saying goes, and at times things become quite hectic for every one of us. The past couple of weeks have been that way for me. What with working a fulltime job, putting together a Thanksgiving dinner, starting preparations for Christmas, and seeing after an injured partner, I haven’t had much time for myself. When I do have a few precious moments to kill, I want to settle down with a light, quick, and entertaining to read. The Night Before Thanksgiving certainly fits the bill.
As you will realize from reading the blurb, this is a chance meeting between two hot guys which builds to a sexy encounter. M. Durango gets everything right here. The characterization of the two men is nicely done, as they draw the reader right into the tale. The writing is good and to the point, a necessity in such a short story. The sex scene is heated. The ending is happy enough and leaves you wanting more.
And that is my only criticism of this story. It definitely leaves you wanting to know what comes next for Bailey and Curt since it is clear this is not the last they will see of each other. I would love to see another story, if not a nice, long novel, about these guys. If you enjoy an erotic, well-written story and don’t mind feeling that you’ve been teased when it’s finished, you should definitely dive into this one.